
Monday, November 28, 2011

Nobody Told Me . . .

. . .  I would have very little time . . . to do anything!

As if I need more proof that I stink at time management lately, I wanted to post this particular topic on Friday, but alas, it's Monday.

I used to be able to manage my time quite well. Before kids, I worked 20-30 hrs a week, went to school full time, completed all my homework (yes, I was that student) and got decent grades. While I was teaching and preggers with Avery, I could take naps, eat tons of cheeseburgers, plan lessons for 3 classes, teach those lessons and keep my grades up to date. Oh, and also coach two sports. After Avery, while staying home, I could keep a clean house, make dinner, raise a kid and plan practices for volleyball and track, attend those practices and games and still manage to do the wife/mom/friend thing.

Well, all of my time managent skills have flown out the window. They are non-existent.  Those skills must be with my quick thinking brain cells somewhere. Those seemed to have disappeared during the second trimester of the second pregnancy. They have yet to return. The jump from one to two kids continues to challenge me, especially in this area. I used to read. I used to exercise. I used to clean. Sort of.

My house is an embarrassing mess. My poor, mostly tidy husband. I cannot keep up with the laundry. If we did not have enough underwear to last us a month, we'd be in a tough place. If I do happen to complete a few loads of laundry, I cannot seem to find the time to fold them. Ugh, I hate folding laundry. Then I have to put it away! What the heck!

I can get the grocery shopping done. Dinner made. I keep the kids pretty clean and tidy. Myself, clean, but not as tidy as I would like. Keep the kids from wrecking each other or the house and spend quality time with them. I think that's the tough part. I can always tell the difference on the days that I spend time with Avery during Nate's morning nap and the days that I clean the kitchen instead. She can develop quite the rebellious attitude.

Anyways. I know that there are many solutions to my time management issues. One is get up before the kids. I hate that idea. So much. I know some moms that stay up super late and get up early. That seems so terrible to me. Yuck. Although, I know once I create the habit, it should get easier. I also understand that the time I get to spend with the kids is far better than anything I could be doing. Its just tough because sometimes the state of my house makes me want to cry.

I would like you to know that I do get to do fun things. I have a standing Thursday hang out with my besties. Shout out to Megelle! What the what! And Mike is really purposeful about me having some time on the weekends. He obviously helps with the household chores. I just feel like I should be able to take care of all that.

So, just know, when you see some awesome looking baked good on my facebook page, most likely my house is a mess. Toys are strewn about. I probably havent haven't cleaned my floors in a week.

How do you manage your time? What do you wish you had more time for?


  1. Surprise, surprise I wish I had more time for reading. :) I've also lowered my cleaning standards...I just make sure the whole house gets cleaned at least every two weeks, instead of every week, since I just clean bits of it here and there when I have a chance. Helps that my house is a lot smaller than yours though!

  2. Amen, says this sister who totally understands. Know that you are doing a fantastic job, that you are envied in a load of ways, and that you are a wonderful wife, mom, and woman of God.

  3. MEGELLE!!! :D We love you, Sherri!

  4. I fully understand this time management issue. As you know I work full time so the time I do have at home i don't want to clean. I want to have quality time with Aubrey. That has put me in this place of maybe I should think about hiring a maid. But then I wonder if I am lacking as a mom and wife by not doing it myself. Whats worse a messy, crazy house or paying someone to have it clean.

  5. Becca, I think it's all about what makes you feel more peace. If a clean house means a peaceful mind for you, then hire a maid. Especially if it works out financially for your family. A maid wouldn't work for me, because I would clean before she came :-)

  6. I wish I had more time for just about everything - house cleaning, home decor, meal planning, writing, freelance jobs, reading, running, creative art projects, etc.

    I am forever seeking balance, but it's tough to find (and keep).

    Thanks for your honesty. I think every mom can relate.
