
Monday, December 5, 2011

Avery Misunderstood

Oh, my dear Avery. She's pretty much amazing. As I've shared before, Avery can be sort of socially challenged. She'll tell strangers thank you in an inaudible voice. She'll shy away from saying hello to people who she's known for years, all three of them.

Avery and E
Once you've enter her approved circle, however, you cannot get rid of her. You cannot shut her up. She cannot keep her hands off of you. We have play dates with Jessica and her 19 month old daughter, E, fairly often and Avery cannot keep her hands to herself. They hold hands. Avery leads her all over the place - to not always great places. She must be touching E while they're sitting next to each other. She cries if they go to the bathroom, because she just might miss out on something exciting. When we're caravanning, Avery constantly makes sure she knows the location of Jessica's car. "Are they behind us? How do you know? Will they meet us there? Will they park next to us?" She's nuts.

We recently went to another friend's birthday party - her first birthday party that she'll remember - and she must have given the birthday girl 14 hugs. Okay, it was more like 3, but it felt like 14 to me. That same friend moved up to the four-year-old Sunday school class at church this week. When they joined classes for worship, Avery got in trouble because she tried to hold hands and steal her friend away. When they told her to pay attention to worship, she went into pout mode.

At the birthday party, she did so great. She interacted with the other kids really well. She didn't cry one time - which is a feat for her. She was patient and waited her turn. She wasn't selfish at all. She fully understood that the party was for her friend. I could not have been more proud.

So, I worry that Avery get's misunderstood. I think her swings from shy to smothering can throw some for a loop. It's hard to reason through as an adult, it can seem pretty ridiculous. Mike's helped me realize that she has so many emotions, it is difficult for her to filter and decide which one should surface. She's getting better, though. We've seen so much growth in her lately. Thanks to all of our friends (and their kids) who are patient with her and her emotions!

Have you had a similar experience? How was your child's first birthday party experience?


  1. Yay! Glad we're part of the approved circle.

    Eleanor completely reciprocates Avery's love and attention. She says "Where Avery?" approximately 47,000 times a day -- particularly at naptime and bedtime. I think she's worried that Avery's out having fun while she has to go to sleep. :)

    Sometimes I worry that E is excessive in attentions too...always wanting to hug/kiss/follow around her favorite people. And, it's just weird to me, because I was the world's shyest, quietest kid -- so I'm not quite sure what to do with the little stalker.

  2. I think Avery did a fantastic job at the party, and I love that she and Sierra love each other too. Avery is a sweetheart and I think people who know her well enough will see past the hard days and see the gold in her. Every kid has his struggles and emotions and things to learn and grow through, so hopefully every parent can have patient with other people's kids and recognize that they're just that -- kids. Amazing tiny people who are learning and growing and struggling and shining, all at the same time.

    P.S. I LOVE that Avery was the one who picked out Sierra's gift. It shows such thoughtfulness and heart that she remembered something Sierra plays with at home and thought it would be a good gift (and it was!). Your kid rocks. :)

  3. Really? I said "can have patient"? Patience. Patience is the word. :P

  4. Meredith Lynch-BakerDecember 5, 2011 at 12:46 PM

    I honestly cannot relate! My kids have been outgoing and totally social from day one! Almost to a fault Josh will talk to pretty much anyone and Zach will give smiles to the people behind me in the grocery aisle. " My child is the one who will quite loudly tell you how they feel about something or ask the embarrassing question about a person in a wheelchair or someone who is significantly overweight.

    I feel that sometimes Joshua gets mistaken for being spoiled or undisciplined because he is so outspoken about what he feels and what he thinks of a situation. I just know how Joshua embraces life and people and situations and although its frustrating to have people give you "the look" I have started to not care and realize that I am doing the best I can at teaching Joshua proper social etiquette and he's 3! Not even but close enough! He is a kid and he is still learning.

    Joshua went to a birthday party yesterday and he knows his birthday is coming up. To make matters worse it was a Buzz Lightyear party and that is his current obsession (and the theme to his own birthday party and he is well aware of that!). When he realizes that this party is not for him he starts to declare very loudly right before they sing happy birthday that "No! Its MY Buzz birthday! No Kaylee birthday! Josh birthday! NO! Josh's buzz cake!" I quietly went over sat next to him and told him that this was Kaylee's birthday party not his, his was Saturday and that if he did not stop yelling he would not get cake. That seems to be my only leverage with that boy sometimes - sweets! lol - so that is our memorable birthday experience.

  5. Meredith - Thanks for sharing so candidly. Before kids, I would totally judge parents with loud kids. Now, I totally know that it depends on the day, time of day, and each kid is soooo different. I think you're doing a great job with Joshua. He's so full of energy and a total boy.

    I hope you guys have a great party on Saturday!

    PS - Avery totally cracks up in public if she sees something/someone that is different/wrong, like a boy with long hair or someone with really long nails. A pointing finger often accompanies the laugh. She even laughs at little cars because apparently she thinks they're weird. Guess that's what we get for driving big vehicle.

  6. I'm with you. I'm still super shy! Totally don't get the whole physical touch thing.

  7. I love you Babe!
