
Monday, December 19, 2011

"Were was I tonight?"

No, I did not make a typo. If you happened to watch the first season of So You Think You Can Dance, you may understand the reference. Basically, there was this chic who was quite ... odd. She performed poorly, then to redeem herself with the judges, she wrote on her stomach, "Were was I tonight?" She meant "where," but as mentioned above, she was quite strange. Obviously, the judges were unimpressed.

All this to say that I realize I've been absent this past week. Nathan was sick with a super stuffy nose. Never a good thing for a paci baby. Plus we all know how men are when they're sick. I think I held Nathan all day on Monday. The only time he let me put him down was when he was all hopped up on fever reducing meds. So, the rest of the week was spent recovering from minimal sleep.

These last few days, we've been preparing to fly back east for Christmas. It should be interesting flying with Nate at this age, but I know we'll survive. Avery always seems to know when it's time to step up and we've told her that she her job is to help us with Nathan. At dinner, she told Nathan to get lots of sleep because we have to get up real early. She's great. Luckily Nate really likes books and tools and trucks. All sitting activities. Unfortunately, he also likes running, climbing and throwing. If you happen to think of us on Tuesday, send up a little prayer for our travels!!

It's nice traveling before Christmas because all of my shopping is done!! Although I did battle Toys R Us last night and it was pretty horrific - even at 9pm on a Sunday night!

Is your shopping done? What is the worst store you've had to visit this season?

1 comment:

  1. Hope the flight goes well. Have a great Christmas!
