We had a wonderful, quality visit with Mike's parents in Douglassville, PA. They live on a beautiful piece of property in a house that Mike's dad built . . . that backs to a creek . . . with a barn that Mike and his dad also built . . . with a sugar house for syrup making . . . with two horses (Tetly and Snickers) . . . with access to many farm vehicles . . . complete with many cats to torture (some indoor & some barn).
Needless to say, we had a great time. Nate would wake in the morning, bundle up and go straight to the barn to tend to the horses with Mike's parents - Nan & Randy. They would then cruise around in the golf cart while Nate pointed and grunted, dictating the next destination. We spent most days hanging out, playing inside and out - enjoying the visit! Avery also got her nails done. She acted like such a little adult. She was trying to make conversation with Candy, the nail tech. She asked Candy if she had a house. So sweet!
We got to cut down our own Christmas tree which was pretty awesome. It was a cold and drizzly day, perfect wintery weather. We decorated the tree with a tenth of the ornaments that Nan has collected over the years. She has so many, most hand made!! We made cookies, built a gingerbread house that proceded to fall apart 5 minutes later and ate until our bellies could hold no more.

Mike's parents received an iMac for Christmas, so we helped them set it up, transfer files and gave them tutorials on each the essential Mac apps. It was pretty fun playing with a new computer and experiencing the Mac world through "virgin" eyes. Now we can FaceTime with them on a larger scale!

The kids were good natured on our travel days. We got booted from our return flight and ended up spending 12 hrs in the PHL airport. The kids were amazing and Nate exceded his car seat tolerance when we were only 5 minutes from home. Can't ask for much more than that. Thank your for all your prayers!
Randy has all the good Christmas day pictures, but hopefully you'll enjoy the ones I have.
How was your Christmas? What was your favorite thing that happened over the holiday?
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