
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What we do now?

Whenever Avery - my 3 year old - and I are doing something like making cookies or finishing a puzzle, she asks, "What we do now?" Basically, she wants to know what's next on the docket. As annoyingly cute as that question is, it is actually quite daunting.

It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day motherly tasks like requiring pleases and thank yous, making lunches, ensuring that everyone has clean underwear, etc. I do enjoy cooking and baking and spending time with my kids, but - if I'm honest - sometimes those daily things aren't enough for me.

However, God has reminded me of something over the past few weeks. Avery started preschool this month and I was so excited about what she was going to be learning, I'd forgotten about all that I would still be teaching her. (Silly, I know.) There are a couple of boys at school who like to take her toys. Probably because it makes her cry. What boy wouldn't want to get a rise out of a girl if it's so easy? So Mom, "What we do now?" What do I do when people are mean to me? What do I do when people are mean to others? What do I do when life's not fair?  I've been reminded that it is my job to help her answer that question along the way - in all circumstances. A heavy job, but an honorable one. A God-commissioned one. So, while the daily tasks can wear, I've been reminded of my greater purpose - to raise God-loving kids who know the answer to "What we do now?"

So, I pray to God, literally, that I can help them answer that question everyday with humility and grace. Because if I had my way, I'd just tell Avery to poke those boys in the eye and see if they take her toys again.


  1. Great first blog! Look forward to more.

  2. Yay for new blogs! And, maybe you could tell her to pray for them while poking them in the eye? ;)

  3. I <3 you. And I <3 that you have a blog now. I shall be a regular. :)
