
Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Variance

Many people have told me that your first two children will most assuredly be complete opposites. I wouldn't say that Avery and Nate are complete opposites, but they definitely have their differences.  I'm thinking of making this topic a weekly one, so this week's specific variance is:

Social Interaction

Typical Sneer
Nate, Avery and I went to a high school volleyball match last night at a school where I used to coach. Before we got out of the car, I had to remind Avery that there would be people in the gym that were going to say hi and tell her that her hair looked nice and that she needed to be nice and say hi. She had a Rapunzel hair piece in - that's why the hair comment was relevant.  Anyhow, Avery always needs to be reminded that the appropriate response to people addressing her is to actually respond. It amazes me the amount of people who tell me that it's okay if she doesn't say hello. No! It is not okay! Anyhow, as torturous as it was, she did quite well being appropriately social.

Typical Smile
At the same match, we were sitting in the bleachers and Nate was attempting to wriggle his way to freedom every three minutes. Every so often he would stop wriggling and I realized he was holding the attention of the people sitting behind us. He was flirting with a mom and making faces at some scary looking man. He was also enjoying the ogling faces of a couple of high school girls. Mike and I often comment on how weird it is to take Nate to a grocery store and have him smile at most of the people walking by.  When Avery was Nate's age, she would just sneer at people. It was not uncommon for people to tell us, "I feel like she's judging me." I would typically respond, "She probably is." Ha!

Please understand that I love this difference in my children. I think both temperaments have their benefits and it will provide endless entertainment when they get older. 

Are your children opposites in social interaction like mine? Have a funny example?


  1. The "typical sneer" caption is priceless!

    Since I only have 1 I can't compare my kids. But in my fam, me & my next brother are quite similar...but my next sister is totally the opposite of us. sometimes it surprises me I came from the same gene pool as she did!

  2. Well, Dustin was my social one and Ben was like Avery. We would "set-up" ways to make Ben be more interactive. We would try and send him up to the counter, at a fast food restaurant, to ask for more ketchup. Ben would meet us with a frown. Then Dustin would jump down and say "come on Ben I'll do it". Off they would go both smiling, cause they got their way. Ugh.

    Now,they have totally switched personalities! Ben can't seem to get enough of talking to others and Dustin only will talk to you if he feels the conversation has a purpose. I should try setting up the ketchup encounter and see if Ben will come to Dustin's defense....There's an idea!

  3. Sherri.. I am consistently amazed with how hard you work to understand and love and teach your kids individually :) It's pretty awesome to see!

  4. Sierra tends to be more social at this age than Taylor was, but I struggle sometimes with getting both of my kids to respond to people in the first few minutes of any interaction in public. :P It's nice to hear I'm not the only one. And good to hear some encouragement about it. Thanks!
