
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Nathan!

Nathan - 
I can't believe it's been a year since you were born! You are by far our most favorite son.

In the past year you have:
  • grown 10 inches and gained 15 lbs
  • eaten every two hours since birth
  • learned to walk (at 10.5 mo)
  • learned to wave and say, "Ba-ba"
  • learned to make trucks sounds when driving anything
  • sucked and chewed on everything - disabling many electronic devices
  • cracked the screen to my iPhone (insert tear drop here)
  • given your sister a run for her money
You love:
  • doing anything outside
  • trucks
  • motorcycles
  • books
  • using tools - only real ones will do
  • emptying any container, drawer or cupboard
  • playing peek-a-boo
  • singing "If Your Happy and You Know It"
  • any food that is not a cucumber - including fish and tomatos
  • pushing your sister
  • being held by mom only when she's cooking dinner or if it's the middle of the night 
You don't love:
  • having your diaper changed or getting dressed
  • any facial wiping
  • sharing Mom
  • cucumbers
  • being covered with a blanket
  • being told no
You and your sister have shown your father and I that we have more love than we could have ever imagined. Happy Birthday. 



  1. Aw, happy happy birthday Nate! Isn't it amazing how fast a year can go??

  2. So fast! It has been great tho!
