
Monday, January 16, 2012

Laugh in the Face of Trials? I'll try.

These past handful of days have been overwhelmingly exhausting. Avery's been sick and tired and whiney and irritable. Nathan was good for the first few days, but has since resorted to demanding an unreasonable amount of attention - mostly at 2, 3 and 4 am.

All this to say that I found some encouragement this afternoon. After reading James 1:2-3, a passage I've read many times,
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
Sometimes I think that my trials are silly. Trying to survive this mom thing - as well as other personal things - seem trivial compared to people dealing with financial trouble, sicknesses and loved ones passing. But the fears, worries and concerns that keep me awake are mine - and they are very real.

Beth Moore stated this in her James study:
Trials don't get to steal from the followers of Christ unless we hand over the goods. In fact, they're commanded to give goods to us if we're willing to receive them. 
James 1:4 finishes the thought with this:
 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
If I'm willing to change my perspective and stop being a victim in my own head, then trials only perfect the result that God has intended, not only for my life, but my own children's lives.

Are you willing to receive the perfect result that God has intended for you? Can you transition your train of thought to joy instead of frustration? I'm sure as hell gonna try because the result will directly impact my kids' future - I hope!

What sorts of trials are ailing you lately? What are the potentially perfect results of your endurance?


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