
Friday, September 16, 2011

The Gamble

I think when we choose the father of our children, we make a bit of a gamble. If you're like me, your husband was not around small children . . . hardly ever. I remember when we were first dating/married, I would have to help navigate Mike around little kids. Literally navigate. He claimed he couldn't see anyone or anything below his knees. An interesting claim considering he is quite agile with his feet, being a hiker, climber and caver.

Mike &Kids
One thing Mike did have going for him regarding fatherhood was his great respect for his own father.  Growing up, he spent a lot of time with his dad on the farm - building a barn, making syrup, chopping firewood, spending summers replacing windows and siding, etc. His dad was, and is, regarded with high esteem in his church and community. Notably, his respect for his dad continues to grow as their relationship deepens.

Well, I hit the Daddy jackpot. Mike is a seriously amazing husband. He works hard for us all day and is ready to be a dad once he gets home. He tells me that he purposefully listens to country music on the way home from work to transition his brain from work to home. (Apparently country music is mindless enough to enable the transition.) He's given up many things that he loves because it's not quite the right time in life for such things.

Mike, Avery & Tarantula
Avery loves her dad. Every time we pull into the garage and she sees his truck is gone, she tells Nathan, "Nope, Dad's not home yet. Be home soon, k?"  Was Mike uncomfortable with Avery as an infant. Sure. He cradled her with two arms when he undoubtedly only needed one arm. Eventually Avery wanted to join him outside to do dad jobs. She became daddy's outdoor girl. They search for cows in the desert. She loves riding in the jeep and knows about the jeep wave. She can tell you lots about desert animals, bugs and reptiles because of her time with him. She often informs me that she likes Dad best.
Nate helping Mike fix a tire.
Nathan can't get enough of his dad. If Mike comes home from work and does not immediately pick him up, he voices his disagreement quite loudly. If Mike is holding him and I try to take Nate from him, Nate will swipe his arm back and forth to keep me from taking him. Mike refers to it as the "forearm shiver." Nate also loves to be outside and watch cars and trucks - a great age appropriate father/son activity. I know Mike is just so excited to have a son.

He's a great man who loves God. He takes care of me more than I understand. He doesn't mind that the house is a mess. He encourages me that I'm spending my time wisely. What I appreciate the most, though, is that I know Mike loves me. His love for me and my children is quite possibly the most attractive thing about him. Not to sound redundant, but he's amazing.

Were you pleasantly surprised by your husband's fathering abilities? What special things does he do with your children?

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures. I know I haven't seen Mike much since the kids were born but what you've described doesn't surprise me. Jon was always great with kids and enjoyed being around them....the little ones anyway. He's a fantastic father! He wasn't and still isn't real keen on the bigger kids with attitudes so we'll see how it goes when Hadley gets older.
