
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Little Glimpse

Nathan is quite easy going. He's easy to take on outings and he really enjoys new places. He likes to people watch. He's fearless and will "off-road" as far as his chunky knees will take him. He's a typical boy with all things tactile and moving. When he gets excited, he lets out short bursts of squeaks. Much like a new sneaker on a freshly polished gym floor. He's great!

We went to the mall today with Jessica - of Quirky Bookworm - and her daughter E. We had an awesome time. School is back in session and Park Place has revamped their play area. It is full of apparatuses for children of all sizes and they have been buffed to sticky perfection for climbing of all sorts.

As we made our way around the play area, I observed an interesting interaction. Nate knows what he wants and typically goes for it. So, as he finished climbing up a tree to then go down a slide, he was met by a boy sitting at the top. He was about four. Much to his dismay, Nate proceeded to give the boy a bit of a push. Nothing mean or even rough, just a hand on the shoulder and a little nudge. The boy just stared at him. Then Nate placed his other hand on him. Nudge, nudge. After removing his hands, I asked the staring boy if he was going to go down the slide. He snapped out of his astonishment and went on his way. Then Nate attempted to face plant his way down the slide.

My initial reaction was excitement. Yes, this kid will not be afraid of anyone. Regardless of size. Awesome. But as I continued to think about it, fear trickled in. This kid will not be afraid of anyone. Regardless of size. Sigh. Nathan seems far too sweet to turn into a bully, but perhaps he would defend someone against a bully. Or he'll be a running back charging through gigantic defenders. Or he'll be a lawyer defending the innocent against evil drug lords . . . One more thing to add to the prayers.

I personally enjoy seeing my children's personalities as they develop, but it can be stressful too. Especially if you have a vivid, over analyzing imagination!

Does your child have a positive characteristic that causes a bit of fear to stir in your heart? Tell me about it.


  1. Yes, I have a child that causes a bit of fear that stirs in my heart. ;-)

  2. I love that Eleanor is not afraid of anything -- she'll flirt with anyone, she'll climb anything, she'll go anywhere.

    But it also terrifies me, because I see a lot of teaching about danger in my future -- whether it be stranger danger, or "no that is TOO HIGH to jump off".

    Going to be a tricky balance to establish fear of danger without squelching her wonderful fearlessness.

  3. He sounds like my boy! :) The difference between girls and boys is so wonderful to watch in your kids! I love your blog!

  4. @Valerie - It is so fun to watch. It has been great seeing how the genders really are so different from the beginning.
