
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Yoga Mom

Yep, the "yoga mom." You know who I'm talking about. She's skinny and cute in her tight yoga gear. Her hair is perfectly ponied with a few wisps strategically out of place.  She's got her makeup on and her decaf double latte with extra foam. She's talking - loudly - with her bff (another yoga mom - they travel in packs) while their boys rambunctiously play together. And, because she looks so great at nine am and obviously has lots of friends, she must be a great mom.

There's a set of yoga moms at Avery's school. My eye is always drawn to their assumed perfection. They seem to have it all together and everything figured out, while I barely get a shower. Apparently they have time for makeup! Who knew that was possible? My only reason for putting on makeup is so I don't run from my reflection if I happen to catch a glimpse of myself in a window. Seriously! It is easy to let my insecurities get the better of me, especially when playing the comparison game.

Now, I'm not one to be all "spiritual" but I feel that God has greatly encouraged me recently. As I've been doing Beth Moore's So Long, Insecurity study, I was reassured this week by the thought of being a dignified woman. Proverbs 31:25 states that the virtuous woman is clothed with strength and dignity. Thank goodness!  It totally boosts my mojo to be reminded that God is about matters of the heart and not so much about the outward things. If you are like me, we can get so stuck on the outward things.

So here's to wearing dignity instead of yoga gear!  Luckily, wearing honor makes us all a bit more attractive :-)

What "type" of mom/woman makes you feel insecure? How do you snap out of it?


  1. Nice. I think the moms who intimidate me the most are the ones who are so creative and let their kids do ANYTHING in the name of creativity. I have a hard time letting go of certain "rules" in life to help Hadley learn socially acceptable behaviors at the sake of exploring. I have a hard time with where to draw the line.

  2. I hear you there, for sure. Often times, I allow my desire for structure to supersede my daughter's imagination. It's also intimidating because I'm not overly creative or silly myself. I mean, Avery's stuffed animal names are just the animal name: Elephant, Monkey, Giraffe, Big Giraffe ... Sigh.
